Saturday, March 29, 2025
Woodsville High School

WES Needs WHS Volunteeers for their Halloween Party

CALLING ALL RESPONSIBLE WHS STUDENTS!!! We need responsible leaders that can run stations at the WES Halloween Party. All stations will be all set up and just need to be ran! The event will take place on Friday, October 26th from 5:15 – 7:30 at WES.

All WHS leaders will be responsible to keep the kids that are at their station on task and help to keep it orderly, safe and fun!!! Stations to run will be things activities such as, ring toss, bean bag toss, mystery guessing game, simple crafts, plastic spider races, and pumpkin voting.

WHS Leaders are welcome to dress up for this event but only with KID FRIENDLY COSTUMES (NO SCARY, GORY or INAPPROPRIATE COSTUMES PLEASE)! WHS Leaders would need to be dropped off by 5:15 and picked up by 7:45. Committing to this event means YOU WILL BE THERE!!!

See WHS Guidance for more info and/or to sign up 🙂
