Thursday, December 26, 2024
WHS Daily Announcements

January 7th, 2019 WHS Announcements

Monday, January 7th, 2019 – Today is a Green Day

* Students: Don’t forget to check your email for the Daily Announcements *


Back by popular demand, Trivia will again be meeting Wednesdays during Roundhouse with Mr. Robinson starting on January 9th. Please talk to Mr. Robinson or your Roundhouse teacher to be signed up.


Looking for ways to make a positive impact in our community?
Find out how and come visit with dozens of Community Service Organizations on Saturday, February, 2nd, 2019 from 1-4pm at the Morrill Building in North Haverhill. This is a FREE Event…Hope to see you there!    
See the Event HERE

There is a Student Council Meeting happening on Tuesday January 8th during Period 3 in Mr. Scianna’s room.  Student Council Members should bring their lunches.


See Mrs.Youngheim in Room 25 to order. Cash and checks (made out to WHS) are accepted.
* You can also order online at  or –> HERE


Seniors: Please let WHS Guidance know about your college acceptances.
Guidance Reminder:  College visit approval forms for attendance need to be filled out
before your college visit.  Get the form in Guidance.


Attention chorus students:  please remember to get your 1st period teachers and parent signatures to attend the Woodsville elementary school visit on Monday January 7th.  Please meet in the chorus room 1st period Monday after having your 1st period teacher mark you present.


WHS Student Council has rescheduled the Sundae Party for Monday the 7th of January.  Student Council Members should report to the cafeteria at 2:10 and the winners/sportsmanship teams should report at 2:20.
