Monday, March 31, 2025
WHS GuidanceWoodsville High School

NH Scholars Mini College Fairs

Mini Fairs
Students are encouraged to use the time spent at college fairs wisely. This is a great opportunity to ask the colleges any questions you might have. Not only will you be able to collect brochures and information about the colleges, but you will now have a direct contact at the college…a contact that you can email or call at any time with questions about the college planning and application process. Check out for more information.
Questions to Ask
1. Do you offer a (an) ________ major? Is it one of your stronger programs on campus?
2. How do you decide whom to admit? What factors are given the most weight?
3. Do you offer early admissions? Are there advantages to submitting an application early? What are your application deadlines? What if I miss deadlines?
4. Are interviews required? If not, can I request one?
5. How can I arrange to visit the campus? Will you be my contact
person? Can I have your business card?
6. Do you offer the sport I am interested in? What division do you
compete in?
7. What percentage of freshmen return for their sophomore year?
8. What is the cost of attendance? (Tuition, Room & Board and
9. What kinds of grants and scholarships are available?
Athletic, Merit, Need?
10. How do I apply for these grants? Do I need to request that
information from the financial aid office?
11. What support services does your college provide?
12. Is there ESL support?
13. Do I need to take the SAT? Can I take the ACT? TOEFL?
14. What should I do first?
