Friday, February 21, 2025
Woodsville High School

September 10th, 2018 WHS Daily Announcements

September 10th, 2018 Daily WHS Announcements
Today is a Green Day

Wednesday the 19th from 6:30-8
Join Woodsville High School for a Special Celebration & Open House! We will have Music, Arts, Join Woodsville High School for a Special Celebration & Open House! We will have Music, Arts, and Great Deals on Food & Drink w/ Vin Dog’s Concessions and Catering, Yeoman Brewing Company., Lily B’s Cupcakes and the Gather Together CaféCottage Hospital, the Teen Institute, Jo Lacaillade from the Town of Haverhill, NH ,
North Country Health Consortium will be there too!
WHS students and staff hosting a big party with local business leaders and community members
, Cottage Hospital, the Teen Institute, Jo Lacaillade from the Town of Haverhill, NH , North Country Health Consortium and the Gather Together Café will be there with special deals!! WHS students and staff hosting a big party with local business leaders and community members.

Looking for ENGINEER MASCOT applicants! Come to home games and events to support our school! Show your school spirit! There is a legit brand-new mascot costume for you. If you’re interested and do NOT play basketball see Mrs. Youngheim or Mrs. Marston. We’re looking for TWO students!

WHS Guidance will have St. Joseph’s College here on 9/11 at 2pm
and the University of New England here on 9/13 at 8am.


JAG will be hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross on October 29 here at the school from 12-5.  Anyone wanting to donate can go online to to make an appointment. (students can also sign up in room 8) Walk ins are always welcome. Anyone 16 or 17 years old, who would like to donate will need to have parent permission.  See Ms. M in room 8 for form
Start Planning Now!! NEXT WEEK is Super School Spirit Week
at Woodsville High School — Starts Monday the 17th

* Monday is Sports Day – Wear your favorite college or pro sports team!

* Tuesday is Uber Nerd Day

* Wednesday is Superhero Day (it’s also Open House Night!)

* Thursday is Class Colors (Seniors wear Black, Juniors wear Blue & Black, Sophomores wear Purple and Freshmen wear Pink & White!)

* Friday is School Colors (Green & White!)

10/10/18 PSAT – Sophomores and Juniors interesting in taking them need to sign up in Guidance by 9/11/18.  The cost is $16.00.

Are you one of those people who knows a lot of stuff about things that no one seems to care about? Or are called a know-it-all because you know lots of things about lots of things? Do you like a little competition? Well, have we got news for you. After a brief hiatus, we’ll be starting up the WHS Granite State Challenge team–competitive trivia! If interested, see Mr. Robinson or ask to be signed up for his roundhouse on Tuesdays. Come to compete, come just to play. It should be a great time.

The 2019 Engineer yearbook is now on sale! They are $25. See Mrs. Youngheim in Room 25 to order. Price increases to $30 on October 20! Cash and checks (made out to WHS) are accepted.

Engineers of Sound is a primarily a cappella singing group at Woodsville High School.  Rehearsals are held once a week during roundhouse time with Mrs. Flateau. We will be holding auditions on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH during roundhouse time.  You do not need to be a member of chorus to audition – this audition is open to any student or staff member who would like to join. Sign ups and more information available on the bulletin board outside the chorus room (room 12).

The first WHS Math Team meeting is Thursday, Sept. 13 at 2:30 in Mrs. Mulliken’s room.  Anyone interesting in joining the math team is welcome to attend.  If you can’t make the meeting and would like to join this year’s team, please let Mrs. Mulliken know.

Attention Seniors! Applying to college this year? WHS Guidance is having a special help session in October. Space is limited!!! Sign up in Guidance as soon as possible

Project WYLD ( Wilderness Youth Leadership Development) staff will be here to meet with interested students on Monday, September 17, 2018. The meeting will take place at 8:30 am in the library. WYLD is an adventure based program designed to develop self-confidence and stress management skills while challenging participants with various outdoor activities. Participants will experience self awareness,  understanding and appreciation for the environment,  and effective communication skills.  Any interested student should let Mr. Strauch know by Friday the 14th.

**Soccer practices will be directly after school and last until 5:30 if there is no game.


Monday 9/10

Varsity Golf @ Sunapee Tri 4:00 – Van at 1:30



