Monday, March 31, 2025
Woodsville High School

September 4th, 2018 Daily WHS Announcements

September 4th, 2018 Daily WHS Announcements
Today is a Green Day

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You can view upcoming events on the WHS calendar –


Spirit Squad meeting Tuesday, Sept. 4th during Roundhouse in Art room.

* Seniors who need a parking spot should see Mr. Strauch on Tuesday as he will begin giving out passes for juniors on Wednesday, Sept 5th.

Any student interested in joining the Mountain Bike club should meet in the cafeteria at 8:00 Wednesday September 5th.

Are you one of those people who knows a lot of stuff about things that no one seems to care about? Or are called a know-it-all because you know lots of things about lots of things? Do you like a little competition? Well, have we got news for you. After a brief hiatus, we’ll be starting up the WHS Granite State Challenge team–competitive trivia! If interested, see Mr. Robinson or ask to be signed up for his roundhouse on Tuesdays. Come to compete, come just to play. It should be a great time.

Our School Board is seeking a junior and a senior to serve as student representatives to the Board. The job entails attending the monthly School Board meetings and providing a brief report of events going on at WHS be they in the classroom or school wide. Representatives are welcome to leave the meeting after giving their reports, which is usually within the first 15 minutes of the agenda.** Please see Mr. Chase if you are interested. The first meeting will be on September 10th at 6:00 in the WHS library.

Engineers of Sound is a primarily a Capella singing group at Woodsville High School.  Rehearsals are held once a week during roundhouse time with Mrs. Flateau. We will be holding auditions on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH during roundhouse time.  You do not need to be a member of chorus to audition – this audition is open to any student or staff member who would like to join. Sign ups and more information available on the bulletin board outside the chorus room (room 12).


Attention Seniors! Applying to college this year? WHS Guidance is having a special help session in October. Space is limited!!! Sign up in Guidance as soon as possible


**Soccer practices will be directly after school until 5:30 if there is no game.

It’s Homecoming Week!!!

WHS/BMU Homecoming Dance Guest Pass Forms in the office. No guest passes will be issued after 3:00 Wednesday, Sept 5th

WHS Picture Day is Sept. 6th!


September 6, 2018 Early College Planning for Parents of Students Grades 9-10


7:00 pm – 10:00 pm, September 7, 2018 WHS/ BMU 2018 Homecoming Dance

11:00 am – 3:00 pm, September 8, 2018 WHS/ BMU 2018 Homecoming Soccer Game

** WHS Celebration & Open House is September 19th from 6:30-8


Tuesday 9/4

Varsity Boys @ Lin-Wood 4:00 – Bus at 2:00

Varsity Girls @ Lin-Wood 4:00 – Bus at 2:00

Varsity Golf Home 4:00 – Blackmount Country Club

JV Girls Practice 3:30-5:30 WHS Field

