Friday, February 21, 2025
WHS Library & Learning CommonsWoodsville High School

Spring ’24 SAU 23 2024 Covid-19/Illness Guidelines

If your student is ill with Covid/flu-like symptoms, please keep them home until symptoms improve.

o Fever (100.0 or above) or
o Cough
o Shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing
o Fatigue
o Muscle or body aches
o Headache
o New loss of taste or smell
o Sore throat
o Congestion or runny nose
o Nausea or vomiting
o Diarrhea
 Students with mild, cold-like symptoms will be able to remain at school.
 Students with highly disruptive cold symptoms, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea will be sent
home for symptom improvement.
o Students will be sent home at the School Nurse’s or their designee’s discretion.
o Students with vomiting/diarrhea will need to be symptom-free for 24 hours prior
to returning to school.
o Students with a fever will need to be out of school until they are fever-free for 24
hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.

 Covid home test kits are still available at the schools. Please reach out to your School Nurse if you would like one.
 If your student tests positive for Covid-19, please follow the new respiratory virus guidelines from the CDC:
o You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are
 Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
 You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
o When you go back to your normal activities, take added precautions over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical
distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.

(Updated 3/4/24)
