Friday, February 21, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 WHS Announcements


The WHS Math Team needs 8 to 10 more students to be able to compete at the State Math Meet on March 10.  
Please see Mrs. Mulliken ASAP if you are interested.
SAT Math help is available every Monday after school

SAT English help is available every Tuesday after school

Approved Winter Carnival Dance Guest Passes are available for pick-up from Mrs. Vance in the office

It’s Winter Carnival Week!
Tuesday is Pajama Day       * Wednesday is Favorite Sports Team Day
Thursday, February 13th – Golf Ball Relay, Blindfold Draw, Spikeball, Ticket Money Due
Friday, February 14th – Prelims, Finals and Winter Carnival Ball (6:30-9:30)

Winter Carnival Dance Guest Passes are available at the sign-in desk near the school entrance and in the LLC. Any student bringing someone that does not attend WHS, needs to complete a Guest Pass Form and turn in to Mrs. Vance, in the Finance Secretary’s Office.  The charge for guests is $5.00, and can be paid to Mrs. Vance or at the door.

💃Guest Passes will be accepted by Mrs. Vance until February 13th @ 3:00PM

**Seniors get all winter carnival tickets to Mr. Cummings by Thursday at lunch time.
They will not count if they are turned in later than 3:00 on Thursday!

The Winter Wondering Land Photo Contest 

 The contest is for students to send pics of things they did so far this winter for fun and to send them to the yearbook class. The person who sends in the best photos will win a $10 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card. 

Send your pictures to Miss Youngheim at:  [email protected]


* Please use the QR Code or the Library Laptops to
sign in and out of the Library during the school day.

Please return or renew any overdue books


College & Career Fair on March 12th



Tuesday Lunch will be  Spaghetti w/ meat sauce and garlic breadsticks.

…and Friday the 14th it will be Chicken Tenders and sweet potato fries


The Student Council will meet on Wednesday, February 12 during 4th block in Room 18.  The meeting will start at 1:20. This is a make-up meeting from last week.


Senior Parent ads are due by February 26th
Order Your Yearbook Online at:

Visit Mrs. Youngheim in Room 25
Email Mrs. Youngheim at:  [email protected]


(All practices/games are subject to change)


Tuesday 2/11: 

Varsity Basketball at LinWood – Depart at 3:30


Wednesday 2/12: 

JV Girls at Danville – Depart at 4:45


Thursday 2/13: 

Varsity basketball at Colebrook – Depart at 2:30  
