Monday, March 31, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Tuesday March 17th, 2020 WHS Announcements


“May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”

Please be sure to monitor your student email and check our website regularly.

Quick Note: visits to the school are for retrieving items only and should be done expeditiously.

Great News! Hats and Cell Phones will now be allowed during the school day
…at least during this remote learning time 😃

Breakfast and Lunches are available for ALL students.
This is a FREE service for ALL families in SAU 23. Meals will be provided by bus delivery every weekday morning. Drop off service will be available in the mornings at the usual bus stops(subject to change) for students that are there to pick them up. We are also working on a centralized location(s) that meals could be picked up as well. We will have more details as soon as we can for you. The system is being modified and may look different in the next couple of days. However, at this point, the SAU 23 plans to provide this service throughout the school dismissal period.

** Please do not hesitate to contact us for help or with any questions**

Spring registration for athletics is now open! Anyone interested in baseball, softball or track and field need to register (HERE)
WHS Student-Athletes and Families

As we are all aware, our world is changing drastically right now and we are trying to be proactive and help eliminate the spread of the current outbreak. I want to pass along the current thoughts from the NHIAA regarding spring athletics. They are as followed;

Push the first day to practice back to the first or second week of April.

First day to play would be around the end of April or beginning of May.

Seasons would be abbreviated with an open tournament at end of season

The NHIAA is meeting again shortly to discuss firm dates and also to discuss the possibility of having a spring season at all. Safety of teams and spectators are the top priority.

As we gain new information it will be shared to the rest of the public.  Thank you and stay safe!




As you know, Governor Sununu has mandated that all NH schools must close  March 16, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This status will continue through April 3, 2020. At that time, Governor Sununu and the Health Department will reassess the situation.  

School districts have one week to prepare for remote learning. All remote learning must start by Monday,  March 23, 2020. Our school leaders and staff have begun preparing for providing remote learning which will include both internet and paper methods; depending on grade levels, individual availability of the internet, etc.  Google Classroom is already in place in our middle through high school classrooms. There will also be videoed lessons and other online educational applications, like Google.meets. Built into teacher schedules will be time for 1:1 sessions and phone calls to answer questions and enhance learning for your child. Your school, if they haven’t already, will be reaching out to families to gather information on connectivity, availability of devices, etc. Information about signing out a chromebook, accessing lockers for textbooks and chromebooks (WHS), will come from your building principal.

Teachers and staff will report to work this week for training and planning for providing remote learning. Our Special Education Director, Jessica Piccone-Robie, and school case managers will be reaching out to families with students with IEP’s to arrange plans for service delivery.

Our Food Service providers will be preparing breakfast and lunch bags each day and the bus company will be making delivery routes. Please be at your bus stop if you would like a meal bag. The times may be a little off, so please be patient.  

All other school meetings and student activities have been canceled as well. We will communicate additional information during this week. I expect there will be many questions as we launch a Prek-12 remote instructional model and will do the very best we can. 

Thank you in advance for your continued support through this challenging time.  I hope we can get our schools reopened for students as soon as possible, though we have been advised to plan for a longer period of time.

Laurie Melanson, Superintendent


