Sunday, December 22, 2024
WHS Daily Announcements

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 WHS Announcements

ASVAB Testing will be today from 8:30-11:30am in the LLC
The library will be closed for ASVAB Testing

The JAG/Red Cross Blood Drive is today from 1-5

Schedule an appointment at and enter WHS
Class of 2020 seniors will be selling Poinsettias until November 1st
(They will be delivered to you shortly before Thanksgiving)

* The WHS JAG Initiation & Induction will be Friday at 2:30

🥊 The NEW WHS Boxing Club will meet Friday in Room 15 during Roundhouse
See Mrs. Greene by Thursday to sign up

GEAR UP! for Winter….New lot of winter coats & gear, sizes XS-XXL.
Check it out downstairs by the LLC
Wednesday 10/23 is Pajama Day! PJ’s and pajama pants available at GEAR UP! school store

Seniors: Please See Mr. Cummings for your Poinsettia Order Forms ASAP
Senior Class meeting during Roundhouse on Wednesday
🚆Senior Dues are due…November 1st

PSATs will be offered on October 30th. Juniors who would like to take them can sign up in Guidance. The cost is $17 and needs to be paid when you sign up. Payment with check is preferred.

* Seniors be sure to start checking the scholarship kiosk outside of Guidance regularly. New scholarships are coming in every week.
WHS Guidance
Mrs. Farr will be taking up to 15 juniors and seniors to an Open House at White Mountains Community College on Friday, November 15th. Students who are interested can sign up in Guidance with Ms. McLure by Monday, October 28th.

Your Information Station!

See Mr. Nichols if you want to Join the LLC Teen Advisory Group (TAG)

The Library will be closed Tuesday morning for ASVAB testing and at noon on Friday for the JAG Initiation

Are You Interested in Movie Making, TV Production and/or Journalism?
Join the WHS Media Club

The Literary Pumpkin Contest is Next Week!
The 2020 Yearbook is now on sale!

Yearbooks can be purchased with cash, checks, or online through the Jostens website. Payment plans are available and EASY to set up!
See Mrs. Youngheim for information and to pre-order.

Please turn in your SoccerFest Silver Cord Forms to Mrs. Maccini by Friday!

The Marines will be here setting up a table today during Lunch A&B

Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen entries are due Thursday by noon.
See Your Roundhouse teacher, JAG or Mr. Nichols for info on local job/ volunteer opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
*Court Street Arts
*North Country Health Consortium
*Warren-Town Forest Clean Up
*Grafton County Nursing Home’s Trick or Treat Street

Job Opportunities
*Happy Hour Restaurant
*Village Pizza
*The Christmas Loft (in Lincoln)
*Windsor Lane
*Hatchland Farm
*Ocean State Job Lot
*Newbury Village Store


If you are interested in playing basketball or skiing, sign up online at the Woodsville High School athletics page between now and November 18th to be eligible to participate. See Mr. Lester if you have any questions.
→> Winter Sport Registration is now open!!!
Please use the link below to register for either basketball or skiing.…/2019-winter-sport-registration

Tuesday 10/22
Varsity Boys and Girls @ Colebrook 4:00 – Bus at 1:30

Wednesday 10/23
No events scheduled

Thursday 10/24
Varsity Boys and Girls @ Gorham 4:00 – Bus at 1:30
Friday 10/25
No events scheduled

Woodsville high school’s
Literary Pumpkin CONtest!
Students and Staff (Individuals or Teams!)
may decorate a pumpkin in their favorite author or book character.

Pumpkins can be turned in to the WHS LLC anytime starting on Monday, October 28th.

Judging will take place on Wednesday, October 30th from 2:30-3(Roundhouse)

Winners will be announced the next morning. Win a Dunkin Donuts Gift Card!
