Friday, February 21, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Wednesday March 18th, 2020 WHS Announcements


I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ~ Thomas A. Edison

Please be sure to monitor your student email and check our website regularly.

Quick Note: visits to the school are for retrieving items only and should be done expeditiously.

Great News! Hats and Cell Phones will now be allowed during the school day
…at least during this remote learning time 😃

Breakfast and Lunches are available for ALL students.
This is a FREE service for ALL families in SAU 23. Meals will be provided by bus delivery every weekday morning. Drop off service will be available in the mornings at the usual bus stops(subject to change) for students that are there to pick them up. We are also working on a centralized location(s) that meals could be picked up as well. We will have more details as soon as we can for you. The system is being modified and may look different in the next couple of days. However, at this point, the SAU 23 plans to provide this service throughout the school dismissal period.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for help or with any questions


As you are undoubtedly aware, the State of NH has recently announced that they are closing all NH schools to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The Governor has asked schools to switch to an “online learning” model in the interim. Teachers, counselors, and other professional staff have one week to prepare for this transition.
Online learning will begin on Monday, March 23, 2020.
Student Academic Expectations 

All students are expected to participate in the online activities that have been / will be prepared by teachers to be loaded into Google Classrooms each day. All students will be expected to check their school email accounts regularly.
We will follow this modified schedule….

Period 1- 8:15-9:15
Period 2- 9:15-10:15
Period 3- 10:15-11:15
Period 4- 11:15-12:15
Lunch- 12:15-1:15
Roundhouse (individual conferencing etc.)- 1:15-2:15 

Students should start each class period by reviewing their teacher’s Google Classroom to see what activities have been assigned. If a student does not have access to their teacher’s Google Classroom, they will need to email their teacher(s) to get the code. Many teachers will choose to hold a “live event” at the beginning of the time associated with the period for their class (see above). This will be using Google Meet or other online video conferencing tools. Others may post a pre-recorded message or even email instructions. Although the introductory videos may be available after class time, it is expected that students will view/participate in those live classes as they happen. Following that, students will likely move at their own pace to complete daily, short-term assignments. Students may also be expected to complete and submit larger online activities/assignments by the beginning of the next class meeting for that particular course. Teachers will be available by email for office hours during the assigned times noted above. Students without Internet access will be provided assignments in an “analog” format once they are identified.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for help or with any questions


** Juniors, Please remember that you are still signed up for FREE SAT Prep with Khan Academy. This Remote Learning Time is an excellent opportunity for you to get ready

Students–Want a book from the WHS library? Message Mr.Nichols on the WHS Facebook page or email at [email protected] and he can have the book set out for you in the lobby of WHS. 😁👏
Search the WHS Book Database at

UserName: WHS Library   
*     Password: engineers




Woodsville Athletics

As we are all aware, our world is changing drastically right now and we are trying to be proactive and help eliminate the spread of the current outbreak. I want to pass along the current thoughts from the NHIAA regarding spring athletics. They are as followed;

Push the first day to practice back to the first or second week of April.

First day to play would be around the end of April or beginning of May.

Seasons would be abbreviated with an open tournament at end of season

The NHIAA is meeting again shortly to discuss firm dates and also to discuss the possibility of having a spring season at all. Safety of teams and spectators are the top priority.

As we gain new information it will be shared to the rest of the public.  Thank you and stay safe!


