Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Social Media Channels & Disclaimer

At Woodsville High School and SAU 23, we encourage the use of social media to exchange views and opinions freely. WHS/ SAU 23’s primary concern is that we create a safe online experience for all of our users. Listed below, you will find the official social media channels of WHS and SAU 23. Any comments expressed on WHS and/or SAU 23 social media sites in response to WHS and/or SAU 23 content do not reflect the opinions and positions of WHS and/or SAU 23, its Superintendent, administrators, school board, or staff.  Similarly, links to other internet sites that appear in comments of other posts should not be construed as WHS and/or SAU 23 endorsement of the content or views presented on those sites
*If you find/use a social media channel other than the ones below, please be aware that they are not created and managed by WHS and/or SAU 23, and WHS and/or SAU 23 is not responsible for any content that appears on those social media channels.
SAU 23 Facebook
WHS Facebook
WHS Library Facebook
WHS Instagram
WHS Twitter
WHS YouTube
WHS TikTok
WHS Class of 2023 Facebook Group
