Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

February 8th, 2019 WHS Announcements

Friday, February 8th, 2019 – Today is a White Day

The food drive ends today at 3:15

Drivers Ed summer program at WHS from 5/3 to 9/15 in room 3.
-> Go to to sign up


* Winter Carnival Dance Guest Pass Forms are available in the Front Office.
—–> No guest passes will be issued after 3:00 pm Feb 13, 2019

Tickets for the spring play, “Almost, Maine” are now on sale in Mrs. Youngheim’s room. The price is $2 for students and $5 for adults.


The National Honor Society members will be pre-selling carnations to be delivered on Valentine’s Day.  The cost is 2 for $3 or 1 for $2. The proceeds will be donated to David’s House.


Seniors: THE NEXT SAT TESTING DATE IS MARCH 9, 2019 – DON’T FORGET TO REGISTER BY FEBRUARY 8, 2019. Please see Mrs. Farr, if you have any questions..


You still have time to order your Engineer yearbook! They’re $35. Cash and checks are accepted and you can make payments, also.  THERE ARE ONLY 15 PRE-ORDER SPOTS LEFT.

— If you want a yearbook, You need to pre-order as there will not be extra when they’re delivered.


SENIORS – parent advertisements in the Yearbook are due very, very soon. Stop by Mrs. Y’s room for an information sheet about the ads.

Important Notice: If you borrow any technology equipment from the WHS Library & Learning Center…
you must return it by 2:45 on the same day. You may not take any equipment home or store in your locker. This is against the WHS acceptable use policy and may result in loss of this privilege.
** Also, library books are, as always, due in two weeks and must be returned and/or renewed.


VG @ Pitt/Canaan 5:00 – Bus leaves at 2:00  * VB @ Pitt/Canaan 6:30 – Bus leaves at 2:00
