Monday, October 21, 2024

Social Studies

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning
— Albert Einstein

In keeping with the philosophy of Woodsville High School, the Social Studies Department prepares students to become active participants in a democratic society and an increasingly global and interconnected world.
Woodsville High School Competencies 
Courses offered within the Woodsville High School Social Studies curriculum help students:

• Demonstrate and apply knowledge of major eras, themes and historical influences, and analyze how they affect community, the state, the United States and the world.  (HISTORY)
• Analyze how geography affects the interdependence of human societies and civilizations, and solve issues related to geography. (GEOGRAPHY)
•  Assess personal, national and global economic decisions using principles of various economic and political systems. (ECONOMICS)
• Use evidence from founding documents, principles and structures of the constitutional government and political system in America to analyze relationships between citizens, governments and politics over time.  (CIVICS and GOVERNMENT)
• Develop and defend positions on issues and events, using evidence from research gathered from a variety of sources.  (APPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL STUDIES PROCESSES, KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL)
• Develop, implement, and evaluate  civic service learning project based on local, national, or global issues.  (CIVIC ENGAGEMENT)

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