Monday, October 21, 2024
WHS Daily AnnouncementsWHS Library & Learning Commons

Have a Great Summer – See You on August 26th!

As the final bell rings and the halls clear out, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible year we’ve had and look forward to the sunny days ahead. It’s been a year filled with learning, growth, challenges, and many memorable moments. Thanks to the dedication and spirit of our students, staff, and families, we’ve thrived and navigated this year with resilience and pride.

Summer is a time for relaxation, but it’s also an opportunity to explore new interests, spend time with family and friends, and prepare for the next academic year’s adventures. Whether catching up on reading, honing a skill, or simply taking the time to rest, make the most of these weeks.

For those who are already thinking about the fall, mark your calendars for August 26th, when we welcome you back to school. We look forward to seeing all the familiar faces and welcoming new ones to our community. The upcoming school year will be packed with more learning and growth opportunities, as well as the continuation of our traditions and the start of new ones!

Stay safe, enjoy your summer break, and return recharged and ready for another fantastic school year. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for each of you!

Happy Summer, Woodsville High!

See you on August 26th!
