Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

February 28th, 2019 WHS Announcements

Thursday, February 28th, 2019 – Today is a White Day

SENIORS – parent advertisements in the Yearbook are due by the end of this week

——- Stop by Mrs. Y’s room for an information sheet about the ads.


Tickets for the spring play, “Almost, Maine” are now on sale in Mrs. Youngheim’s room. The price is $2 for students and $5 for adults.

e The North Haverhill Fair Association is looking for a group of students to help with Fair parking this coming July 27 and 28.  (Saturday & Sunday) We offer a $500 per day stipend to the club or class that participates.  See for more information.


PA reminder that the snacks that are in room 2 are only for those students who
participate in the WHS Homework Club. Thanks!


You still have time to order your Engineer yearbook! They’re $35. Cash and checks are accepted and you can make payments, also.  THERE ARE ONLY 10 PRE-ORDER SPOTS LEFT.

— If you want a yearbook, You need to pre-order as there will not be extra when they’re delivered.


An expensive tuxedo jacket may have inadvertently been taken home by a WHS student who attended the Winter Carnival Dance. Please check the inside of the jacket you wore to the dance.  If it has “Jim’s Formal Wear” on the inside pocket please contact the owner of the Party Store or return to the WHS Office—No Questions Asked 🙂


Attention seniors, for those of you who have not paid your dues, the deadline is March 1st, (this Friday).  You also need to let Mr. Edwards know whether you will be going on the class trip or not.  No dues = no trip. Please see Mr. Edwards or Mrs. Farr if you are one of the few who have yet to take care of these two items.


Our Boys’ Varsity team will host #5 Sunapee in the quarterfinals tonight at 7pm in the WHS gymnasium. Doors will open at 5:45pm.


Congratulations to the Varsity girls team on a great season…we are very proud of you!


NH JAG and the Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive on April 8 from 1-6pm in the high school gym.  If you are 16 or older and would like to donate you can see Ms. Mulligan in room 8 to register – 16 years old needs parent permission, permission slips can be picked up in room 8. You can also register online at
