Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Thursday, November 21st, 2019 WHS Announcements

Thanksgiving Food Drive
Students from each class will bring in
non perishable food items to WHS from November 18th – 22nd
The 9th graders are still in the lead!
Which class will Duct Tape Mr. Lester?
Yearbooks can be purchased with cash, checks, or online through the Jostens website. Payment plans are available and EASY to set up!

See Mrs. Youngheim for information and to pre-order.

Junior class meeting Friday during Roundhouse in the library

French Club Super Raffle Winners:
Whale’s Tale – Nicole Kidder ** Walmart – Kiara Reagan
Little Grille – Paul Sarkis ** Victory Lanes Bowling – Leah Krull
Please see Ms. Haggarty for your prize.
Seniors be sure to check the scholarship kiosk outside of Guidance regularly. New scholarships are coming in every week.

* UNH will be in the LLC @ 11:45 on Friday

Air Force recruiter here during lunches on
Tuesday, November 26th
WHS Guidance

Special Notice: The Library will be closed today

Your Information Station!

Do you want to help others to achieve academic success while earning community service hours?
If the answer is yes, then consider participating in the new WHS peer-to-peer tutoring program! Sign up sheets are located outside the office. There will be a meeting Friday the 22 during Roundhouse in the LLC for those that are interested.

Environmental Club is running a fundraiser until Monday, Dec 2nd
Buy Nature’s Vision awesome product and help your club and the environment!
A portion of the proceeds go to fund the WWF World Wildlife Federation.

See Mrs. Eck or one of your environmental club members today.

The WHS’ Annual Dinner, Talent Show and Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest is December 20th!
WHS’ Annual Holiday Spirit Week is December 16th – 20th – See more HERE

Any student or staff interested in attending a Dartmouth Men’s Hockey game on Friday, December 6th should pick up a permission slip and write their name on the sign up sheet. Slips and sign up sheets are by the office. The cost is five dollars. We will leave school at 5:15 and should return to WHS by 10 pm. Permission slips and money need to be turned into Mr. Strauch by Wednesday, November 27th.

Thursday 11/21
VG Practice 3:30-5:30 @ HCMS
JVG Practice 3:15-4:45 @ WHS

Friday 11/22
JVG Practice 3:15-4:45 @ WHS
VG Scrimmage @ Sunapee – Leave at 4:15pm

Saturday 11/23
VG Round Robin @ Littleton 9am-5pm

Thanksgiving Food Drive
Students from each class will bring in non perishable food items to WHS from November 18th – 22nd
(Bins will be located in the WHS Lobby)

The Winning Class gets to
Duct Tape Mr. Lester to the Wall!!

This could be Mr. Lester!!

** All Donations will go to Local Food Banks **

Donation Items: Non-Perishable food items such as canned vegetables, soups, pasta, spaghetti sauce, apple sauce, drink boxes, granola bars, instant potatoes, mac and cheese, oatmeal, etc.


-Food donations are to be placed in Class Bins, labeled for each class, in the lobby

-Any student of any Class taking food items out of any bin, swapping bins, taking items, will disqualify the entire Class

-Donations will be accepted starting Monday, November 18th through Friday, November 22nd until 3:00PM

** Classes will have to reach (25) food items to be eligible to duct tape Mr. Lester. After the 25 items, the Class with the most food items donated will get to duct tape Mr. Lester to a wall or column on Monday, November 25th during roundhouse.

-Food donations will be collected and counted daily by Mrs. Vance, and entered on a visible graph at the donation location in the lobby.

-Mrs. Vance reserves the right to use discretion on how the food items count, to be fair. For example, (4) packages of ramen noodles will count as (1) item, an (8) count box of granola bars will count as (2) items, (1) can of soup will count as (1) item, and so on.

***Remember, this is a great time to give to those less fortunate
and have FUN while doing it !!

Woodsville High School

Holiday Spirit Week!
December 16th – 20th

It Twas the Night Before Christmas so wear your pajamas!

It’s a Winter Wonderland so bundle up and wear your favorite Flannel!

We love a Great Holiday Story so dress as your favorite Book or Movie Character!

Celebrate the Two Turtle Doves and dress up with your Twin!

WHS’ Annual Holiday Dinner and Talent Show
…AND the Famous Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest!!
