Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 WHS Announcements

Boston Area College Tour Info Session!
today during Roundhouse in Mr. Scianna’s Room
SAT Math help is available every Monday after school

SAT English help is available every Tuesday after school

Seniors: please see Mr. Cummings for poster paper for the Winter Carnival Poster contest

❄ Winter Carnival is Next Week! ❄
Monday, February 10th – Class Quiz Bowl & Lip Sync
Thursday, February 13th – Golf Ball Relay, Blindfold Draw, Spikeball, Ticket Money Due
Friday, February 14th – Prelims, Finals and Winter Carnival Ball (6:30-9:30)

Winter Carnival Dance Guest Passes are available at the sign-in desk near the school entrance. Any student bringing someone that does not attend WHS, needs to complete a Guest Pass Form and turn in to Mrs. Vance, in the Finance Secretary’s Office. The charge for guests is $5.00, and can be paid to Mrs. Vance or at the door.
💃Guest Passes will be accepted by Mrs. Vance until February 13th @ 3:00PM

Students: Please remember to fill out the course interest survey that Mr. Chase sent you the other day…thanks!

The Winter Carnival Annual Food Drive is on!
Donations of food and/or money will be collected until 3:15 on Friday, Feb. 7th. DROP-OFF locations are:
Freshmen—Room 9 (Simano) * Sophomores—Room 13 (Mulliken)

Juniors—Room 15 (Greene) * Seniors—Room 11 (Cummings)

* Please use the QR Code or the Library Laptops to
sign in and out of the Library during the school day.

The Library will be closed during Roundhouse
Today and Wednesday.

Lincoln Tech will be in the LLC next Monday
from 10-10:30 and also from 1-1:30.
❄ The Winter Wondering Land Photo Contest ❄
The contest is for students to send pics of things they did so far this winter for fun and to send them to the yearbook class. The person who sends in the best photos will win a $10 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card.
Send your pictures to Miss Youngheim at: [email protected]

A monthly student forum is being organized to give students a chance to provide thoughts and feedback about topics at Woodsville High School.
Forums will be hosted once a month, and everyone is encouraged to attend.

Our 1st forum will be Wednesday February 5th in the LLC during Roundhouse. We will be discussing proposed schedule changes to the 2020-2021 schedule. Your thoughts and feedback will be invaluable.

If you can’t make it, please speak with Mr. Robinson. If you’d like to help organize future forums (March, April, etc) please reach out to Mrs. Youngheim or Mr. Robinson, who would love some student participation.

Senior Parent ads are due by February 26th
Order Your Yearbook Online at:
Visit Mrs. Youngheim in Room 25
Email Mrs. Youngheim at: [email protected]

♔The Chess Club meets every Monday after school in the Library –
Come on in to learn, play or just watch!

(All practices/games are subject to change)

Tuesday 2/4
JVG Practice 3:00-4:15
VB vs Moultonborough 5:00
VG vs Moultonborough (SENIOR GAME) 6:30
JVB Practice 8:00-9:30

Wednesday 2/5
VG Practice 3:30-5:00
VB Practice 5:00-6:30
JVB Practice 6:30-8:00
JVG Practice 8:00-9:30

Thursday 2/6
JVG Practice 3:00-4:15

JVB vs. BMU 5:00 * VB vs. BMU 6:30

VG Practice 8:00-9:30

Friday 2/7
Ski Meet at Pats Peak – Leave at 6am

VB Practice 3:15-5:00
JVB Practice 5:00-6:30

JVG @ BMU 5:30 – Bus at 4:30 * VG @ BMU 7:00 – Bus at 4:30
