Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 WHS Announcements

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 – Today is a White Day

32 Days until Graduation!
(22 School Days)

Baccalaureate Sunday, June 9 6:30 pm – Class Night Thursday, June 13 6:30 pm
Awards Assembly Friday, June 14 8:15 am – Class Trip June 11th & 12th

WHS’ Class of 2019 Marching Practices:
TODAY during 2nd block 9:42-11:05
Wednesday, May 22 – 3rd block 11:09-12:58
Wednesday, May 29th – 4th block 1:02-2:26
Tuesday, June 4th, 3rd block 11:09-12:58
Thursday, June 6th – 2nd block – 9:42-11:05
Thursday, June 13th – 2nd block – 9:42-11:05
Friday, June 14th – last practice will be right after the cookout

there will be an Early Release
Schedule on Wednesday

Attention WHS artists. If you have art at home you would like to display at Spring Arts on Thursday please bring it to Mrs. Marston in the Art Room by Wednesday morning. If your art needs to the prepped for hanging please bring it sooner. Art needs to be school appropriate but does not need to be an “art assignment”. You do not need to be enrolled in an art class to participate in Spring Arts.
Please contact Mrs. Marston with any questions.

*Junior class meeting during Thursday’s roundhouse(check in with your Roundhouse teacher first). Meet in Mr. Cummings’ room- On the Agenda: Election of next year’s officers…and sign up for commencement hosting duties, ie baccalaureate, class night And graduation set up, seating and clean up.

Wednesday, May 15th is National MPS Awareness Day
(Wear Purple on Wednesday)
One of your schoolmates, Sasha Segal has MPS. MPS or Mucopolysaccharidoses is a genetic lysosomal storage diseases that causes the body to be unable to produce specific enzymes. The missing or insufficient enzyme prevents cells from recycling waste, resulting in the storage of materials in cells throughout the body. As the disease progresses, there is widespread damage throughout the body, including the heart, bones, joints, respiratory system and central nervous system, leading to a shortened lifespan. We ask that you wear purple tomorrow to show support for Sasha and others who have MPS. We will be selling purple ribbons in room 10 and in the main foyer for $1.00 each, to send to the MPS foundation to find a cure. Thank you for your support.

The WHS Math and Art departments are looking for people (students and adults) to make bowls for the ice cream social in May. You can do this any day during Roundhouse, just sign up to go to the art room and let Mrs. Marston know you want to make bowls or you can do this after school on Mondays and Wednesdays…just show up in the art room!
** Money raised from this community service activity goes towards funding field trips.
Spring Arts Festival – Thursday at 6:30pm
Come see the best our fine arts department has to offer at WHS – including performances by the Chorus, Band, Engineers of Sound, and Songwriting classes at WHS – as well as many fantastic works on display from the visual arts department.

WHS’ BIG Book Sale at the Spring Arts Festival
We will have books for sale at the Annual Spring Arts Festival. $1.00 for Hardbacks and .50 cents for paperbacks!

Ice Cream Social
$8 per person… includes handmade pottery bowl and a loaded ice cream sundae!
~All proceeds benefit the WHS Field Trip Fund!

Class of 2021’s Car Wash & Bake Sale on June 1st

WHS’ French Club Car Wash & Bake Sale on June 8th

@ Woodsville Elementary School from 9-3
If you owe money towards the purchase of your 2019 Engineer yearbook it will need to be paid in full before you will receive your yearbook.
*Cash or checks can be given to Mrs. Y in Room 25. Check with her for your balance.

The Library will be closed Wednesday due to testing.
DO NOT SEND students to the library for computers after 8:15. If they need computers for your classes the teacher must come in at 8:00 to get them. No exceptions!

To see all of the events at WHS – Go To

***All practice/game dates and times are subject to change. Please contact your coach for most accurate information***

Tuesday 5/14
Varsity Baseball @ Lin-Wood 4:00pm – Bus @ 2:00pm
Varsity Softball @ Lin-Wood 4:00pm – Bus @ 2:00pm
JV Softball @ St. Johnsbury 4:30pm – Bus @ 3:30pm

Wednesday 5/15
Varsity Baseball vs. Gorham 4:00pm
Varsity Softball vs. Gorham 4:00pm

Thursday 5/16
No Games Scheduled

Friday 5/17
Varsity Baseball @ Groveton 4:00pm – Bus at 1:15pm
Varsity Softball @ Groveton 4:00pm – Bus at 1:15pm

Saturday 5/18

Varsity Track and Field @ Wilderness Meet 10am – Bus at 7:15am
JV Softball vs St. Johnsbury 1:00pm
JV Baseball @ Rivendell 2:00pm – Depart WHS @ 12:30pm
