Saturday, February 15, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 WHS Announcements

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 – Today is a Green Day

45 Days until Graduation!

Attention Seniors

Prom Guest passes must be turned in to Mr. Edwards no later than May 8th
along with a $30 fee if your guest is not a senior at WHS.

* If you plan on going on the class trip you need to pay the $50 trip fee by the end of day today to Mr. Edwards.

The WHS Math and Art departments are looking for people (students and adults) to make bowls for the ice cream social in May.  You can do this any day during Roundhouse, just sign up to go to the art room and let Mrs. Marston know you want to make bowls or you can do this after school on Mondays and Wednesdays…just show up in the art room!
** Money raised from this community service activity goes towards funding field trips.

Spring Arts Festival – May 16th at 6:30pm

Come see the best our fine arts department has to offer at WHS – including performances by the Chorus, Band, Engineers of Sound, and Songwriting classes at WHS – as well as many fantastic works on display from the visual art department.

WHS Chorus invites anyone who loves to sing to join in our final number, “Let the River Run” on May 16th at Spring Arts Festival.  You can see Mrs. Flateau for further details.

The application for the National Honor Society Community Scholarship is available in the guidance office.  This scholarship is open to any Woodsville High School senior going on the a post secondary school.

The deadline is Friday!

The US Marines will be here during Lunch A and B on May 9th

The WHS National Honor Society students are sponsoring a school-wide clean up during Roundhouses the Week of May 6.  If you would like to participate in this community service activity and you are in good standing academically, just have your Roundhouse teacher sign you up for the Art Room that week.  We will be working on the cafeteria, the gym, the weight room and on the grounds (weather permitting).

The WHS French Club is now meeting on Wednesdays during Roundhouse


There will be a brief assembly in the gym at 2:45 on Thursday to announce this year’s Top 4 Seniors and the Junior Class Marshalls for graduation. Students are to report to Roundhouse and remain there until called to the gym.

Summer Employment Opportunities at Cottage Hospital
If interested see Mrs. Farr and/or apply online at

WHS Athletics 4/29-5/4

***All practice/game dates and times are subject to change. Please contact your coach for most accurate information***


Wednesday May 1st

Varsity Baseball @ Pittsburg/Canaan 4:30pm –

Varsity Softball @ Pittsburg/Canaan 4:30pm –
— With poor weather predicted for tomorrow night, we are changing the game time to a 3:30 start time, with a bus departure at noon.


Thursday May 2nd

JV Baseball vs Rivendell 4:30pm


Friday May 3rd

Varsity Baseball @ BMU 4:30pm – Bus at 3:15pm

Varsity Softball @ BMU 4:30pm – Bus at 3:15pm


Saturday May 4th

Varsity Track and Field @ Belmont 10am – Bus at 7:45am
