Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

December 20th, 2018 Daily WHS Announcements

Today is a Green Day

The Fall Frolic Sundae Party has arrived! …and it will take place on Friday,  December 21st at 12:20. If you were on the Musketeers coached by Mrs. Mulliken & Mrs. Eck or the Reeses coached by Mrs. Flateau & Mr. Flateau then you are invited to the cafeteria with the Student Council to make your own sundae!

today’s Schedule
Period 1
Period 2
Holiday Dinner
Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest
* Talent Show *
Remainder of 4th Period or Roundhouse or Dismissal (will vary depending on how many acts in the Talent Show)

* Anyone who has not returned their summer reading books will need to pay by Friday *


Early Release Schedule tomorrow
*  We come back on Wednesday,January 2nd,2019 *



The price of your Yearbook is going up after this week!!!  
Save Money Now –> See Mrs.Youngheim As Soon As Possible in Room 25 to order. Cash and checks (made out to WHS) are accepted. * You can also order online at  or –> HERE

Seniors: Dues Are Due VERY, VERY, VERY SOON! — See Mr. Edwards ASAP


Seniors: Please let WHS Guidance know about your college acceptances.


Reminder:  College visit approval forms for attendance need to be filled out before your college visit.  Get the form in Guidance.

Yesterday’s Scores
Girls: Groveton 44 vs Woodsville 46
Boys: Groveton 58 vs Woodsville 38

