Sunday, February 9, 2025
WHS Daily Announcements

Thursday, May 30th, 2019 WHS Announcements

Thursday, May 30th, 2019 – Today is a Green Day

16 Days until Graduation
(11 School Days)

Baccalaureate Sunday, June 9 @ 6:30 pm * Class Night Thursday, June 13 @ 6:30 pm

Awards Assembly Friday, June 14 @ 8:15 am * Class Trip June 11th & 12th @ Lake George

WHS’ Class of 2019 Marching Practices:
Tuesday, June 4th, 3rd block 11:09-12:58
Thursday, June 6th – 2nd block – 9:42-11:05
Thursday, June 13th – 2nd block – 9:42-11:05
Friday, June 14th – last practice will be right after the cookout

The Haverhill Cooperative Education Association Scholarship for Future Educators application is available now outside Guidance
➜ Due date June 1st

Get College Credit this Summer – See Guidance for more information

Community Service Hours by helping with David’s Way Run
David’s Way Run honors the memory of David Aldrich, a first grader at WES who tragically lost his life due to injuries suffered in a car an accident in Bath, NH. A portion of the proceeds from this event will help support the H.A.R.P. summer scholarship for children. Another portion of the proceeds will go to WES to help fund a new playground along with a small memorial for David Aldrich. They are offering 5 hrs community service time for students interested. Also, they are looking for 15-20 volunteers. If you are interested please contact Carrie Daly by email [email protected].
See Our Facebook Events Page for more details

Class of 2021’s Car Wash & Bake Sale
on Saturday, June 1st from 9-3

@ the Woodsville Elementary School
A representative from the American Civil Liberties Union will have a table set up during lunches today. Pop on over to the John Bagonzi Building to see them!

**All library books are to be returned no later than Monday, June 3rd**
(Overdue bills will be going out on June 6th)

It is to support a charity called THE TREVOR PROJECT. A non-profit LGBTQ+ charity that deals primarily with mental illness in teenagers. All profits will be donated to the organization. The penny war will go on all week.
Pennies count towards positive points and silver coins and dollars are negative.
If you would like more information on the organization, you can visit their website at or see Cecelia Steenburgh

To see all of the upcoming events at WHS – Go To

***All practice/game dates and times are subject to change. Please contact your coach for most accurate information***
